Home Security Frequently Asked Questions
Technical Questions
beeping or noises
Yes, most of the beeping will be heard from the keypad and will be displayed.
If nothing is being displayed, the beeping may be coming from another source. One common source is battery powered smoke detectors not installed by the alarm company. In many cases the batteries need to be replaced.
If the keypad is displaying a code. Please Contact our office during our normal business hours to help troubleshoot or schedule a service call.
Omega Security installed smoke detectors do not beep, most of the beeping will be heard from the keypad and a code will be displayed. If nothing is being displayed, the beeping may be coming from another source. One common source is battery powered smoke detectors not installed by Omega Security. These smoke detectors will beep when the batteries become low.
Enter your 4-digit code followed by the chime key.
Enter your 4-digit code followed by the chime key
Be sure that the door you are entering is the same door that you requested to have a delay for entry/exit. Typically, only one door is given an entry delay. If you are now entering through a different door, the delay will have to be added. Another reason could be that the system was armed on the instant mode which will not allow for any re-entry. The last common reason would be a malfunction with door contact and service may be required. If this is the case, please contact our office during our normal business hours to schedule a service call.
The normal programming is set for the siren to stop after 12 minutes for intrusion alarms. The siren typically will not stop for fire alarms until the system is reset. This feature can be programmed by an Omega Security technician and/or the office upon request.
The wall transformer is the source for electrical power to your alarm system. In addition, the alarm system is powered by a backup battery inside the control panel. Disconnect both power sources and the system will be powered down.
Keypad Codes
Yes. All of the systems being installed today do have the ability to program more than one user code. Depending on the exact type of system, the total number of codes will vary.
Low batteries are displayed on the keypad and are also transmitted to the central monitoring station.
The “Stay” mode also allows for Entry/Exit delay times. If no delay is needed, arm the system in the “instant” mode. This will not allow any entry time.
The “Ready” light indicates if the system is ready to be turned on. This indicates a door/window is open or there is movement in the area of the motion detector.
Any time a zone is faulted, it will display on the keypad. This could mean a door/window is open or there is movement in the area of a motion detector. The system cannot be armed at this time. The fault must be cleared to set the alarm.
This indicates an alarm has occurred. This information will continue to be displayed until you enter your digit code and press “Off”.
“AC” loss in an indicator that electrical power has been removed from the system. If you are not currently experiencing a power outage, check all of your circuit breakers. Service may be required.
“DC” will appear anytime the Download Software has been used to access the control panel’s programming. We have the capability to program alarm panel remotely. When we do this the “DC” may be displayed.
“FC” will appear on the keypad anytime the alarm system tried to report an event to the central station and the message was not received by the central station. If you are receiving this code please contact our office during our normal business hours to schedule a service call.
“OC” is displayed on the keypad when communication has been lost between the keypad and the control panel. If you are receiving this code please contact our office during our normal business hours to troubleshoot or schedule a service call.
Service is required. “6F” or “BF” is an error code associated with communications. When these codes are displayed, the communicator has lost connection with the Network used to report your alarm to our monitoring center. Please Contact our office during our normal business hours to help troubleshoot or schedule a service call.
Enter your 4-digit pass code twice. The first time will silence the alarm and the second time will reset the system.
The standard siren default time is 12 minutes. This can be changed by the installer. During Fire Alarms, the siren does not silence until the panel is reset. Once the siren does go silent, the system is still armed and able to activate if another event happens.
“Duress” is a term used for someone in a stressful situation. There is a certain code a user can enter to disarm the system, and a “Duress” alarm will be sent to the central monitoring station. Police are immediately dispatched.
To learn your Duress Code please contact our office during our normal business hours to help you.
Arming Your System
Arming your system while staying home
The system may not be “Ready.” Look on your keypad and see if it says that it is “Ready” or “Not Ready”.
If it is “Not Ready” a fault may be present, sometimes this is a window or door left open. Another reason could be a motion detector sensing movement coming from you or something else in the home. Until this fault condition is fixed, the system will not arm.
If it is “Ready” verify you are using the correct code. Contact our office during our normal business hours to help troubleshoot or schedule a service call.
Disclaimer: Use these instructions with caution, it is not recommended to bypass a zone without a clear understanding of the risk. Any zone/device bypassed will not trigger an alarm in the event of an intrusion. However, bypassing the zone will allow you to arm the rest of your zones/devices -these zones will trigger in the event of an intrusion.
- Enter your 4-digit user code
- Press the bypass key
- Enter the 2-digit zone number* you wish to bypass.
These steps must be taken sequentially with no delay or the sequence will not be accepted.
*The 2-digit zone number that is not allowing you to arm the system will usually be displayed on the keypad.
The system may not be “Ready.” Until this fault condition is fixed, the system will not arm. If the system is ready, verify you are using the correct code.
If your keypad says it is “Not Ready”. A fault may be present, sometimes this is a window or door left open. Another reason could be a motion detector sensing movement coming from you or something else in the home. Until this fault condition is fixed, the system will not display a “Ready” indicator.
The system may not be “Ready.” Until this fault condition is fixed, the system will not arm. If the system is “Ready,” verify you are using the correct code.
Any time a zone is faulted, it will display on the keypad. This could mean a door/window is open or there is movement in the area of a motion detector. The system cannot be armed at this time. The fault must be cleared to set the alarm.
This indicates an alarm has occurred. This information will continue to be displayed until you enter your digit code and press “Off”.
Be sure that the door you are entering is the same door that you requested to have a delay for entry/exit. Typically, only one door is given an entry delay. If you are now entering through a different door, the delay will have to be added. Another reason could be that the system was armed on the instant mode which will not allow for any re-entry. The last common reason would be a malfunction with door contact and service may be required. Please contact our office during our normal business hours to schedule a service call.
Other Questions
Setting Up Amazon Alexa with you Proseries system
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Most of the motion detectors installed today discriminate between pets and people. The standard will discriminate up to a 80 lb pet. Depending on the size and number of animals you have, a 100 lb version is also available for an additional cost.
The normal programming is set for the siren to stop after 12 minutes for intrusion alarms. The siren typically will not stop for fire alarms until the system is reset. This feature can be programmed by an Omega Security technician and/or the office upon request.
Yes. All of the systems being installed today do have the ability to program more than one user code. Depending on the exact type of system, the total number of codes will vary.
No. Smoke detectors cannot be bypassed or turned off.
The lights on wireless detectors are turned off to help conserve the life of the batteries in the detector.
In some cases, they can be. A technician will need to visit your home to see if it is possible.
Once each month your alarm should be tested.
Most systems being installed today do have the ability to support both wireless and wired devices. In some cases, wireless devices can be retrofitted to older alarm systems as well. We will need to know your make and model of control panel and we can recommend a solution.
The exact panel location does vary from house to house. Typically, they are placed in a closet, laundry room. The panel will be housed in a tan box in mounted on the wall. If your home has been wired by our technicians, your panel will be housed in your structured wire panel. If you have our wireless system, the control panel is integrated into your main keypad.
This requires a special piece of test equipment kin order to properly test these devices. We will be happy to have a technician come out and test them for you. Charges may apply.
Battery life depends on the life of the system that you purchased. In most cases, the system will stay active for two to four hours. On smaller systems, the battery may stay active for 4 to 8 hours. Additional batteries can be added if longer time is needed.
The battery will continue to operate the system until power is restored or the batteries are exhausted.
Door contacts can be removed during this time. It is recommended that a technician remove them from the system so other devices can be used. If the door is being replaced, special care should be given to the wiring during this time.
A technician will need to make a visit to repair your door contact.
Please contact our office during our normal business hours to help troubleshoot or schedule a service call.
The nominal range for these devices is 200 ft. This does vary depending on your area, your surroundings, and the strength of the batteries.
Enter your 4-digit pass code twice. The first time will silence the alarm and the second time will reset the system.
Yes. Is not possible to turn off the smoke detectors.
Normally the Entry Delay is set to seconds. The effectiveness of the alarm is dependent on this time being as short as possible. This time can be configured based on your needs.
This is normally determined by the installer and is kept to a minimum. We recommend only one door be given delay. This number can be determined by the customer to suit their needs.
The standard siren default time is 12 minutes. This can be changed by the installer. During Fire Alarms, the siren does not silence until the panel is reset. Once the siren does go silent, the system is still armed and able to activate if another event happens.
Low Batteries are displayed on the keypad and are also transmitted to the central monitoring station.
The remote can be disabled remotely by Omega Security or we can schedule a technician to come out. Please contact our office during our normal business hours to schedule a service call.
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