
WiFi / Z-Wave Communications Module – PROWIFIZW

Original price was: $69.95.Current price is: $49.95.

Convenient, Efficient and Secure

Turn your house into a smart home with the he ProSeries Wi-Fi/Z-Wave Communications Module. The PROWIFIZW combines the connectivity of Wi-Fi and the automation of Z-Wave into one communications module that enables local automation control over Z-Wave capable lights, locks, thermostats and more.




PROWIFIZW creates the backbone of your smart home and enables you to use your smartphone or tablet to create one-touch scenes that help with daily activities like: saving energy, keeping your home secure, looking after your loved ones and being more comfortable.

  • Smart homes are more energy efficient, which saves you money and helps reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Smart technology makes your home more secure. You can lock doors remotely, double-check the alarm, and view surveillance footage in real time.
  • Home automation can take care of everything from making you coffee in the morning to closing the blinds before you turn in at night.

The module connects directly to the control panel and is powered by the control panel’s connection. The PROWIFIZW provides alarm signaling and remote connectivity to advanced functionality of PROWLTOUCH Wireless Keypad and built-in Amazon Alexa services.